What a great javelin parade in Berlin!

Germans have been waiting for European gold for long three decades. It has been a while, that’s the truth.
Again, the same progress as during the shot-put final. The competition, at least the medal standings were made in the three first rounds. Estonian Kirt Magnus Magnus Kirt achieved his best already in the first series when his javelin pointed 85.96. He did not give up for the rest of the game, on the other hand, he was attacking Andreas Hoffman until the very end. Also, Hoffman scored his bests in the beginning and his 87,60 kept him on the silver position. Two Germans in the lead, two javelin throwers way too far over 90 meters with their PB’s. Today nobody broke this magic barrier, but , it did not take away the charm of the flying javelin. The winner, THOMAS RÖHLER , he would have won even with the three of his throws. He was very confident during the whole competition and the celebration after the wining just showed a pure happiness including bathing in a steeplechase trench.
All in all, it was the great competition with the German supremacy on the first, second and fifth place.
Also, two Polish athletes found their place in this final as well as two Czech guys Jakub Vadlejch and Petr Frydrych.
Go Further, Go Throwshub!