ECH 2018 Men's Hammer Throw qualification prediction

The sport event of this year is upon us. On monday August 6th the 2018 European Championships begins. European Athletics association says we will see 1572 athletes (828 men, 744 women) representing 49 countries. And the very first event of this continental championship will be qualification for men's hammer which is going to start at 16:05 CTM. In this qualification 30 athletes from 18 countries will be competing for a spot in the next day final.
The best season performance surprisingly doesn't belong to the hammer throw superstar or recent years from Poland Pawel Fajdek, but his younger countrymen. Ranking currently number three and the last person who threw over the 80m barrier this year. Is young Nick Miller from Great Britain. Neither of those is expected to be missing in the final. However currently ranked number five is Esref Apak which had great start of the season throwing 78.59m but was sort of struggling in the second half of the season may be a candidate for surprising failure in qualification rounds. Not wishing bad luck or anything.
The entry standart for men's hammer throw was 74m. An interesting fact is that Belarus had 7 athletes who threw over this barriers. No other country had more. However as we all know only three can participate. The only other country who used all the spots for this event and sending three hammer throwers is Ukraine.
Complete final entries are already available on EAA website as well as the official schedule .